Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Just cause

Current mood: fuzzy, but happy

Music playing: Jeff Fitzgerald Emergency Door (you should all check him out, hes a friend of mine and hes rad!---> www.myspace.com/jefffitzgerald)

I decided to blog this morning just cause I felt like it; my head is still in a bit of a fuzz after last night, so I don't have many earth shattering, insightful things to say...its just that I haven't had the time to blog lately so I feel the need to throw one out there just for the hell of it!

Typically St. Patrick's day is spent with my good friend Neil, his birthday happens to fall on this day of all things green, and soggy cabbage with spiced meat. I found myself out of sorts with Neil out of town...its like a tradition to spend st. patty's day with him...what ever was I to do?? How about spend the night with three lovely ladies who happen to distribute Iron Horse in Texas. Sounds good, perhaps better then spending it with Neil... (sorry Neil, I would have invited you if you were here)

For those of you who know me, know that often times fumble on the goal line when it comes to the ladies. Don't get me wrong, I have game, I'm irresistibly charming :) (really I am) but when it comes to the end I choke, don't ask for a number, email, or sometimes if it is a very brief encounter, even a name.

Well this morning, I'm soaring with confidence, a few weeks ago I took the initiative to talk to this girl who I have seen several times at the winery, and made a good connection. This weekend, though Damon took the lead on Sunday, we met a few girls for drinks after work, we had a good time, but I left without phone numbers or emails...On Monday, when these three very cute and alluring ladies from Texas arrived at the horse, I was still waking up, but after spending an hour or more with them, I let them go, however... I did have their business cards that just happened to have their cell phones on it. I had to call... So I did, (I was going to text message, but I decided to make it a little more personal, and I was really attracted to one of the girls, so I decided to call her of course :) and to my surprise, they called back and wanted to hang out. (I briefly patted myself on the back for having the courage to call) Damon also later congratulated me for my efforts. After being in a 3 1/2 year relationship, I thought I might have lost my ability to woo the ladies, but as it turns out, it was just in hiding! So now, after a wonderful weekend that started with Pigs and Pinot (which is a whole other story I might have to blog about) and ended with a night in good company, my confidence is on the rise, so beware ladies, cause as I said, I am irresistibly charming!

In the end the best part of it all was probably just meeting some really good people that I will most likely keep in contact with and probably see again, possibly visit them in Texas, and being that they distribute our wine, they are sure to be back to the Horse at some point.