Saturday, November 17, 2007

Thoughts while people watching in the airport

Current Mood: Enthralled
Music Playing: Timbaland, Shock Value

Rapid Travel

Carrying four by four samsonites
past overflowing food courts
filled with over anxious over-bites;
the clock moves tediously
stirring impatient travelers
ever so effortlessly.
The PA system teases
causing restless moody bodies to gather
and do whatever pleases.
Like lost sheep
following mirages
in desperate need of sleep,
a narrow passage leads the way
to seats like a cheap motel double bed
and it’s the only place to stay.
Upon ascending,
thirty four thousand feet up,
you breath in recycled air.
Clouds extend like a silk gown
with a peach lain embroidery
never seen from the ground.
When the light gets low
a dotted universal metropolis
becomes the scene below…

Then to a screeching halt-
they hit the ground running,
speed stepping on sliding runways
meant for tired legs,
towing traveled laundry,
towards different places at the same time.